We greatly appreciate the kind words from our Crisbee users!
If you have yet to hear about the results folks have enjoyed from our cast iron seasoning products, this is a great place to start.
"Works very well. Works as advertised. I’ve bought this for other people as well as myself and recommend it to people all the time." by D. Komula
"I was blown away by the results so much that I have actually stripped some of my other pieces of cast just so I could season them with Crisbee. Crisbee pieces look that much better than others." By Travis H.
"Serious stuff! I took a nasty, old griddle, stripped it and reseasoned it with Crisbee until it shined like glass. My daughter is now willing to try and use CI (cast iron) once she saw the finished griddle. I'm sending it home with them tomorrow."By Kim L.
"It's amazing what a little TLC and Crisbee Puck can do."By Josh O.
"Works better than anything for seasoning cast iron. It makes a tighter seasoning that is much more water resistant then an oil based product."By Luke
"If there is anyone who needs convincing...this pot was orange with rust having standing water in it for months at a time. An electrolysis tank for a few days and garbage bag/oven cleaner for a few more days and then I seasoned it in a Big Green Egg (BBQ/smoker). This is perhaps a half dozen coats of Crisbee Cast Iron Seasoning. I applied it before baking and after baking in the smoker. I am very pleased with the process and product. The cooled finish is dry and slick, not oily or waxy at all."By Steve B.
"My first ham and cheese omelet in my Crisbee seasoned cast iron... and it flipped flawlessly! (that's a first also lol)"By Debbie W.
"We are snowed in here in Michigan's thumb, so I decided to make my very first Dutch baby this morning. I had it in mind when I made a trip to the store yesterday before the roads got too bad. As you can see, it turned out perfect, courtesy of my Crisbee seasoned 12" Lodge skillet."By Karen B.
"If you have cast iron, you need this! I've been buying this product directly from the mfr (family-owned business with great customer service) and was addicted to it after my first use. I have a lot of cast iron and most of it was acquired used. I like to strip them down to bare iron and season from scratch... Crisbee is the perfect product for that and I've never had to do more than 2 layers for a great seasoning ready to cook on! It's perfect for maintenance as well. The tin is just the icing on the cake because it looks great sitting on the counter next to my stainless steel appliances where I can just grab and use."By Tech Junkie
"Just used my Crisbee coconut puck today and absolutely love it!! Will be ordering more. Great deal for 2 with free shipping. Works wonderful."By Kathy B.
"Pineapple upside down cake made in Dutch oven on the campfire. Thanks Crisbee. Came right out."By Rodger M.
"Excellent product for seasoning cast iron. As a collector of vintage iron, and a restorer, I've tried it all. This is by far the best product I've ever used." By Amazon User Spydergrl1 "I have got to thank you for such an amazing product. I'm extremely pleased with the results, not only on my cast iron but on my carbon steel pans as well. THANK YOU." By Leina A.
"Crisbee Puck does a beautiful job seasoning all of my cast iron cookware." By Bill M.
"Wonderful product, great customer service and expediency!" By Rita D.
"Fully restored my latest find! It's a Wood & Bishop French roll pan made between 1839-1880s it took a dip in my e-tank the revived three coats of the Larbee Puck. Thanks for this amazing product it works wonders!" By Anthony S.
"After 3 coats of Crisbee & Crisbeefied pancakes. Very impressed!" By Crystal S.
"Great company, great product. I expect we will have a long relationship!" By Karen B."Very happy with the product & the customer service....couldn't ask for more!" By Shelly P.
"Breaking in New to me pans. One seasoning with the Crisbee Stik and ZERO sticking." By Eric W.
"At work today I introduced a couple coworkers to Crisbee season gave them the information to check out your website.. I let them see my before and after pictures of how awesome your products work.." By Shirley M.
"What a great product! We have a lodge cornbread slice pan we could not get to turn dark. One coat and it's much darker. 3 coats on a new lodge egg skillet is non stick. It has darkened a new production lodge skillet significantly and maintained the non stick....I'm sold you have a lifetime customer."By Charles F.
"Bought two new Lodge 10 inch Chefs skillet. Scrubbed with soapy water, dried, and added two layers of Crisbee Puck seasoning. Everything slid around as if on ball bearings. These pans work great. Cooked everything in them. Had bacon, mushrooms, and cheddar cheese. Added chopped chives to organic eggs. Topped with sour cream and Paces hot sauce. Very tasty. Put Orange Marmalade on biscuts."By Steve R.
"Wanted to let you know that I seasoned 7 different style pans with a total of 3 rounds. I used a #8 and #5 skillet this a.m. - hash browns in one and bacon, then eggs in another. No sticking at all. The eggs just slid out. Thank you for a great product."By Kathy S.
"Wanted to say thank you for the quick shipment, I'm excited to try and give a couple of my girls a spa day this morning :)"By Jenny S.
"Before and after. $30.00 find. Seasoned with Crisbee Stik."By Jon H. "Had a long day yesterday. Set the pans from dinner in the sink to soak and fell asleep on the couch. Forgot all about them! Woke up this morning and about had a heart attack! All I did was rinse and scrub. No harm, no foul, but I may do another round of Crisbee tomorrow, just to make it up to them." -Undisclosed
"Crisbeefied omelet ;) no sticking... slid out perfectly!" By Crystal S.
"Hello; I came across Crisbee from a post about a steel frying pan. Your product did a beautiful job on the steel pan." By Steve M.
"Alright I've tried out my Crisbee puck and it's terrible........that this product hasn't been available sooner. I love it. The normal smell that fills the house and makes my head nearly explode, wasn't there, awesome. I'm am very susceptible to headaches, I'm fact I suffer from severe migranes. I always have a headache, so something that helps to not make it worse, I'm a fan. Bradley Stuart you are my hero and I appreciate you product and your personal attention in tracking down my shipment. The post office was real slow in delivering, he got it out next day, just like he said. [crisbee.org] s the place to find this incredible product, you won't be disappointed." By Brandis B. (Jan, 2015)
"I've had them on display for a few years and have been using vegetable oil on them to keep the rust off. I never got the deep black that they should of had, but then I was introduced to Crisbee Stik (Butterscotch). I will never use anything else on these pieces. The protection they have now is unlike any other. These will be handed down to my daughter when she is old enough and they will be just as good looking as they are now. THANK YOU Crisbee for protecting these family heirlooms."By Jared M.
"My 3 notch Lodge. It has an A down by the handle and a 9 at the top.. Cleaned with Crisbee Puck..love that product!"By Cheryl T.
"Omg, Saturday night and I'm spending 2 hours trying to find your page because I got here from another page and did some reading on how great your seasoning is... Now send me one of everything. LOL."By Cheryl C.
"Most impressive business I have ever purchased from! Very Fast Communication and Delivery . Thank You Crisbee :)" By Sean T.

"I recently have been hearing about a new product out that is made for cast iron seasoning called CRISBEE PUCK / STIK. It got me interested so I checked out their website and Facebook page. I did some research and asked questions of the inventor of this product... 'Bradley Stuart.' He was a friendly gentleman and answered all my questions and in a timely manner. So I made the leap to give this cast iron seasoning product a try and see if it is as advertised and paid the $13 price tag (for a set of Crisbee Pucks) shipped to my door. Which at that cost I deemed that it better. .I read the instructions and watched the video many times so I would do it as recommended for best results and picked 4 cleaned pieces I had lye soaked for a week then etanked. Each (piece) was different and provided different challenges to seasoning. My choices...a bottom gated griddle, Griswold skillet, Erie flat bottom kettle, and a G.F.Filley muffin pan all pitted to make it a true test of this product....I preheated each piece to 200 degrees(F) and applied the product and wiped it completely dry then put each piece back in the oven as I got them done. Once all pieces [were] done I turned the oven up to 450 degrees. Once the oven reached the desired temperature I let them bake for 1 hour then turned the oven off for the cool down period. Once cool, I again turned the oven on to 200 degrees and started the whole process all over again. I applied 3 coats of seasoning.My conclusion of this product is that it performs just as advertised and leaves your cast iron looking beautiful. Very nice product all the way around." -Albert H.
"I think I would LOVE to work as a customer service Rep for Crisbee. I can't imagine a happier job dealing with satisfied customers all the time. Seriously though. I really would make a wonderful point of contact person if you ever set up a call centre :) I love the atmosphere and salesmanship I see. :) "By Susan S.
"I am presently seasoning three skillets. Well, four, actually, but one needs to be stripped further. Three are in the oven now. Just wanted to tell you that once again, your product is fantastic! I am doing these skillets as a "pay it forward" for someone who is returning these pans to a 92-year-old neighbor of hers who is still cooking all his own meals. Thank you for a terrific product! Continued success in your future endeavors!"By Ivy B.
"Just used my Crisbee coconut puck today and absolutely love it!! Will be ordering more. Great deal for 2 with free shipping. Works wonderful."By Kathy B.
"Serious stuff! I took a nasty, old griddle, stripped it and reseasoned it with Crisbee until it shined like glass. My daughter is now willing to try and use CI once she saw the finished griddle. I'm sending it home with them tomorrow."By Kimberly L.
"3 coats of Crisbee and boy do they shine! So slick I just about dropped one turning it over in the oven! A very hot heavy pan is NOT something you want dropped on your foot! Can't wait to use them!" By Pam P.
"Super easy to use ... just follow video instructions. A little goes a long way and does a great job of seasoning. Will definitely purchase again."By Edwin C.
"Awesome product and great service. I've been restoring vintage and antique cast iron cookware for several years and have tried many different oils/fats to initially season and maintain my cast iron. I had finally settled on Crisco as my go to as it left the best finish. After reading about and researching Crisbee I decided to give it a try. I'm proud to say I am now a convert and sold on this product. Easy to use, leaves a nice dark, slick and hard finish that doesn't turn sticky or rancid."By Amazon User Steve
"All this... less than 1 Puck" By Jeff S.
"This is a great new product that seasons my cast iron pans better than anything I've tried to date. It seems to go on and spread easier and also last longer. The only thing is in the puck form, it can be a little messy to hold since it melts a little bit in your hand. Next time, I'll try the stik one which seems like it will be easier to apply."By Tristan T."Great seasoner for cast iron." By Patricia T."Love this stuff. Works wonders...Crisbee puck is the way to go!" By Edgar A. "A few months ago, I have having a very difficult time when restoring badly encrusted cast iron skillets I had purchased in 2nd hand stores. A great online friend told me about this product (whose owner is a very good friend of his). The friend owns and has restored hundreds of cast iron cookware pieces man of which are very antique ones. He's considered a leading expert on cast iron cookware use, maintenance and proper restoration. I started using Crisbee based on his experience. It only took one time in using the Crisbee product and following the Jeffrey B. Rogers method of proper restoration and re-seasoning. I will never use any other product when doing a major restoration & seasoning again. And, I will always very highly recommend the Crisbee product to others. The product is outstanding and extremely reliable and the customer service, including the shipping is equally reliable. If you're wise, you'll order several of these and give to family and friends as great gifts." By Amazon User Fitzie63

"Tried so many different ways to season all my cast iron pans definitely find this product to be the best. Leaves a great non stick seasoning to the pan with a great look to the pan as well. Like to display my pans so always want that great look as well." By Perry D.